Erlanger Police Department
"A State Accredited Law Enforcement Agency"
Performing Collectively to Provide Exemplary Services for Our Community with Integrity and Pride
The Erlanger Police Department considers service to our community to be our primary responsibility. We understand that we are one of the few agencies of government that never closes and, therefore, may be called upon to perform many different tasks for the community. The department is an organization of well trained dedicated and disciplined men and women who work together to make Erlanger a safe place to live, work, and play.
While moving forward and striving for excellence, each new year will bring upon us many changes. Change can be good if the timing is right and the employees are ready for it. The changes in culture that do occur in an organization can best be described as interpretation, articulation and elaboration. There are some who do not regard change as progressive and who are reluctant to turn from the methods and philosophies of the “good old days.” Our mission needs to match our goal of a progressive-proactive police agency.